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20 Week Anatomy Scan

Left:  Little baby face, hand, and tummy:: Right: Little leg, and two feet crossed at the bottom

We had our 20 week anatomy scan today!

I was sooo soo nervous. This is the ultrasound where they can tell if everything is normal, if there are any defects or abnormalities, or if the baby will have any disabilities.

I was literally such a nervous wreck. Mitch was cool as a cucumber, as usual. When I asked him why he wasn't nervous, he said, "Oh, I don't know. I just kind of feel that everything is going to be just fine." of course. Mr. Calm 100% of the time:) such a good thing I married him, seriously.

So, we got to the office and filled out oh, 30 minutes of paperwork listing every genetic defect and issue at birth that a person could have, seeing if either one of our families had histories of those things, etc. ... which of course made me more nervous thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

I finished the paperwork and glanced over to see where Mitch was. He was previously sitting right in the chair next to me. He was in the corner of the waiting room in the kids section, with a puzzled look on his face, and he was sitting on the ground playing with/staring at a little kid toy. Yep. My husband. It made me laugh so hard. Once again making my nerves chill out a bit. I seriously love, love that man.

We walked back and the sonographer took my weight and blood pressure. Mitch of course was then curious about blood pressure and everything about it, and asked if mine was a bit low, high, medium, you know, every question one can ask. She informed him it was healthy and on the low end, and he asked if she could take his blood pressure too. She laughed and then realized he was serious, so she put it on his arm and said, "Yeah... sure thing! Ha ha sorry, no one has asked me that before!" Mitch watched for his numbers to appear, and at 128/80, he asked, "Do I have high blood pressure?????" He was so concerned. She assured him that no, it is very normal and good and healthy, and that though 120/80 is deemed the perfect healthy, it fluctuates with each person, throughout different times of day, in different situations, etc. She had to keep reassuring him his blood pressure was 100% perfectly healthy. He was still convinced that he had some kind of problem, but then he saw his resting pulse was 60 something, and said "Oh. Nevermind. I think I am actually fine." Honestly!!!!! Hahaha. How can you not love living with that man and bringing him places? He asks 174995 questions everywhere he goes, and is the funniest thing I have ever met. I. Love. Him.

So we finally get to the ultrasound and she puts the scorching hot blue jelly on my belly. She puts the wand on and starts taking measurements of odd, unrecognizable black or grey circles that are on the screen.
"This is the stomach, these are the kidneys, bladder, this is the sdkjwthgvkebrsof part of the brain, etc."She was really zoomed in and... ya we only could recognize the heart as far as organs and internal things go. We were like ya ya... is it normal?? Okay good. Ha ha. So then she started measuring recognizable things like the head, arms and legs, spine, etc. That was way more fun! We could see the baby move, and see where she was at.

Her head is right in the middle of me, with her legs out to my left side. She is facing (usually) my back. So she is tucked right inside where it is hard to get any views of her little face. The sonographer was laughing so hard, she said she had hardly ever seen a baby do that. It was like she was hiding from us. It was hilarious. She would stop and poke my tummy, trying to get baby to turn around, and occasionally she would for a brief second. We caught a little angle of her face above before she hid again:)

She has her hands up by her head/face all the time, and always, always has her little legs crossed. At the gender scan we did at 15 weeks, the sonographer was like, "Um.. your baby is crossing its legs. I don't know if we will be able to see today!" Then after a few pokes then, too, the baby let us take a peek. So why were we not surprised when once again, today at 20 weeks, she still was crossing her legs. The sonographer was like, "what a little girl!" All of her mannerisms are so girly already.

Everything anatomically and everything was completely normal! Hooray! Brain, nuchal translucency, brain/spinal fluid, inside functions/digestive/etc, as well as her little extremities and fingers and toes. All in all, she said we have a perfect little girl. I literally was so relieved. I would love any little person that came to us with any range of issues, but how grateful am I that she is so healthy!!

She said that she is so, so incredibly active that it was hard to even get a still shot a lot of times. She was twisting, turning, bending, kicking... everything. The sonographer was like, "Ya I am pretty sure you'll have a dancer on your hands." Mitch immediately looked straight at me as if to say, "Ya I wonder why.."

She weighs close to 10 ounces. She measures just slightly petite- and is on the smaller side measurement wise but well within normal limits. She has such a cute little body. That, I am happy about come the time that I am 39-40 weeks, thinking about trying to get her out!

It was so fun to see her again! She is so cute and we were talking about how funny she was being already!! It will be fun to have her out to see and meet and play with her.

Oh, and they confirmed the 15 week determination of "girl"... the doctor said, yes you for sure have a little girl on her way!

We went to Fetal Foto at 15 weeks (well, 14 weeks 6 days) to find out the gender and it was literally so fun! Ours isn't in the mall or anything, it is actually right across from our hospital. They have you lay down in your own little room and there is a giant plasma TV in front of you and your husband so you can see everything super well. They take really clear pictures and give you a lot of them. It lasted like 30 minutes of solid ultrasound viewing, and that is so much fun to just sit and watch her move! AND it was so much fun for us to find out early. We definitely recommend it! We loved ours, it is the Fetal Foto in Murray. I went in and just asked for their most basic, basic package to determine gender, and I think we only paid like $35 bucks or so. Anyway for any other pregnant mommas, that is such a fun thing to do! They also have prenatal massages and stuff... which I might start enjoying here pretty soon:)

YAY for babies!!


I feel the need to apologize for my really, really being bad at blogging and all... haha it has been um TWO MONTHS almost since my last update. Sorry guys!! A TON has happened since I was 13 weeks along! To start off:

Baby Beck:

>>20 weeks old
>>7 inches long
>>weighs 11 ounces
>>the size of a banana
>>20 weeks left

I have been working close to full time and trying to crunch in as much school as I can since this is my last semester before the baby comes so I took on 15 credits. It is online through BYU which is basically amazing. 

I. Love. Doing. School. Online. Ha ha soo recommend it! Taking tests in your bed is awesome! 

Anyway, all of that on top of being pregnant and a wife- basically life has been insane.. so good but so busy!

As I mentioned earlier, so much has happened since my last post 7 weeks ago! Here is an update:

How far along? 20 weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: About 7-8 pounds at my last Dr.'s appointment, which was October 4th. I am now supposed to be gaining about a pound a week! I am slightly under but they say that is normal for your first.
Maternity clothes?  Not specifically maternity, but I have gone out and bought lots more leggings and loose shirts:) I can still fit on all of my pants but one pair... but I mostly just wear stretchy pants:)
Stretch marks? No, thank heavens! And I plan to keep trying to avoid them.
Sleep: Good overall, but I wake up a ton to go to the bathroom. I can also feel it is a bit different turning over from side to side, there is definitely something protruding from my stomach now! I sleep with a pillow between my legs/under my stomach and that helps. I think I will need to get a maternity pillow soon.
Movement: Like crazy!!! When I sit in certain positions or when there is loud music, she goes crazy. I started feeling movement at a little after 15 weeks, but I wasn't sure if it was just my body or actual baby movement. After 16 weeks I knew it was for sure the baby. Ever since then I feel more and more movement, and this week especially it has gotten so strong that you can feel it on the outside.
Food cravings:I have been pickier this week for some reason! However the other day we went to a new restaurant, called CousCous, and they had the most unreal dish I have had in a long time- Pesto Chicken over zucchini noodles. Oh my gosh. Mitch loved what he got there too. Their homemade garbanzo chips and hummus and mango salsa is basically to die for, I ate the entire basket. I want to go again this week to try their Chicken Ratatouille. I am liking not overly sweet things and have been craving different things than usual. Of course about once a week I get my Protein-Style In N Out burger which basically just the burger and toppings wrapped in lettuce (I eat gluten-free) and it is soooo much better that way! So yummy and so much healthier. And only 2 dollas. Mmm.
I crave a lot of veggies and sometimes fruits. Oh I know what I have been eating a lot of lately!! Ok my new fave breakfast/lunch/snack is an over-easy egg on top of a halved avocado. So. So. delish. I bet I have eaten 5 avocados myself in the last 3 days.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still never have gotten the whole morning sickness deal, thank heavens, I don't know how I got out of that! I am hoping that I don't have a really awful labor or something, to compensate! Ha ha. I do however, despise the faint smell of our new jute rug in our family room. How weird. It doesn't make me sick or anything, but it just really bugs me? Ha I have tried febreezing the heck out of it, airing it out on the balcony all day, you name it. I don't think I should wash it, so I am just hoping the new-rug smell will eventually fade. Ha ha I am so weird I know.
Have you started to show yet:YES. My sister/brother in law came over last weekend and when I opened the door they were both like, "Whoa!! You have totally popped!!" Ha ha. And when Mitch came home from his 4 day work trip last week, he was shocked at how much I had grown. I guess last week really had a lot of growth! But yes, you can totally tell there is a soccer-ball sized something protruding from my stomach now. For some reason you can tell especially when I lay down. Like it is a legit perfect half-circle. Mitch is always saying, "It is so freaking crazy that something is growing in you and that your body is changing like that!" I think it is as much of a shock to him as it is to me. It just looks so different than it used to! 
Gender prediction: We found out at 15 weeks (because yes, we are that impatient) that we are having a girl. We are so excited! That will be validated so we know for sure tomorrow I guess, at our 20 week scan, but it is 99% likely she is a girl:) We have 2 and kind of 3 names (one will end up being the middle name most likely) that we both are obsessed over. 
Belly Button in or out?  in
Mood: Happy! Feel sooo good to be in the 2nd trimester. I had a really, really lucky and fortunate 1st trimester where my only symptom was pretty much just being a bit more tired, and this 2nd trimester deal is even better! I have felt so good.
Weekly Wisdom: Take time to relax. Lukewarm (not hot) epsom salt baths are super good for you and are really relaxing when you are pregnant. I have had more of an achy back as my stomach grows, so this helps a ton. Also I work on my feet doing surgeries all day so I get a bit tired and achy all over. This can make a gigantic difference in that let alone the unwinding/relaxing factor. 
Looking forward to:I don't know if I am looking forward to it, exactly, or not- but we have the 20 week anatomy scan tomorrow morning! I am so so super nervous!  That is overriding the exciting factor today:) For those of you who don't know that is when they basically can tell if the baby is developing normally in almost every aspect, see if there are any defects such as neural tube dysfuctions, anatomy abnormalities, etc. Kinda scary but just hoping baby b is healthy and happy in there.

Here she is, a pic from her 15 week ultrasound where we found out she's a girl! Of course a customary bow/flower had to be added.

I already love her little lips and tummy. I posted this and the one below on instagram, but I have to post them again because they are just too cute not to:

little baby footie

ps. anybody get random nosebleeds during pregnancy?? I swear I get one every day! ha ha it is ridiculous! I looked it up and supposedly its due to hormones (what is new) but I just think it is so weird! 
Also a question to moms: Any tips on how to prepare for/not be so nervous for the anatomy scan? I am going to give myself a stroke!

Last note: How are we halfway already?!? It seems like it has completely flown by! The idea that we have only 19 weeks and someodd days left blows my mind. But that is a good thing, we already want her here!

I will post tummy pictures here pretty soon, now that there is something to see! It is hard though because I am usually in scrubs every day and you can't really see a whole lot with those. I will snap a pic next time I actually wear normal clothes!

keep up with us in between my huge gaps of blog posts on insta @beckkai.


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