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25 Weeks

Baby Beck:

>>25 weeks old
>>13.5 inches long
>>weighs 1.5 pounds
>>the size of a rutabaga... what the heck is that?
>>15 weeks left!

How far along? 25 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: around 10 or so

Maternity clothes?  yes. just ordered my first 2 pairs of maternity shorts for hawaii next week!

Stretch marks? None yet

Sleep: really well so far

Movement: a ton. she loves yoga and sour patch.. just like me ha ha ;)

Food cravings:I still loving sour things, but also still mostly avocados!!! mmmmm i have a stockpile and eat at least one a day.

also loving butternut squash. so freaking good. i could eat a whole one by myself i think.

found some super yummy (and $6 a loaf.. what.) gluten free/organic bread- i am loving pb&j sandwiches! i havent had them in forever!

Symptoms: always hungry, overall happy, and lately sometimes the insides of my tummy are stretched soo hard and it can be uncomfortable. she is running out of room and she still needs to gain 5 pounds! i dont know how i can keep stretching!
still the racing heartbeat and that fun stuff, but i don't have to start wearing the monitor until after our vacay which i am sooo happy about

Have you started to show yet:definitely!

Gender:Still a girl:)

Belly Button in or out?  in

Mood: happy! 

Weekly Wisdom: work out! i am limited to what i can do right now because of my heart deal going on, but i looooooooove yoga so much. i loved it before i was pregnant, and now can i just say- it rocks. it takes away a lot of aches and gives you so much energy for the day. 

this is my very favorite video- its called "prenatal yoga routine- by lara dutta" you can get it off youtube -here-

i actually watch it on youtube myself. i pull it up on my ipad, and then connect my ipad to our tv with this sweet little adapter thing. whoever invented it is awesome. you can buy it -here-

i highly recommend it! it is a really really good video.

Looking forward to: hawaii in 4 days! we leave on saturday. i cannot wait! i am in much need of a vacay after this full time work and 15 credits of school deal. it has been kind of crazy as of late, i am looking forward to relaxing and having some fun!!

we also had such a FUN shower thrown by my mom and my cousin Jana, and i totally forgot to bring my camera:( i wish i had some pics, but it was so fun!

oh, and of course i am looking forward to M A R C H   T H I R D ! i can't believe we are already starting month 7!

First Belly Photo//Cardiology Update

Okay so I have been asked to put up a belly pic for a while now, but as I mentioned a while ago, I am usually in scrubs and so it is hard to even see! Today I had the day off for my doctor's appointment so I am actually in normal clothes for once:

SO, I had my first appointment with the cardiologist today.

We learned a few things. First was that I have an abnormal skipping going on with my heart along with the tachycardia (heart rate will randomly jump way high). So thats awesome.

They said that there is basically one of two things going on.

1) the extra fast beating is originating in my sinus node of my heart, and that would be the normal part it should originate in- but it is just extra fast and skipping. But in the right place.


2) it is supra ventricular tachycardia (SVT) which basically means that there is an extra electric current running through my heart though a loophole. Kind of hard to explain, but here is a good video if you're just so super interested:)

Scenario #1 is better than #2, but still not great that it gets so sped up. Basically, they said they would just chalk it up to pregnancy, and say that my heart just has a more difficult time dealing with the 50% more blood volume pregnancy brings. If this is the case, it should go away with pregnancy.

Scenario #2 basically means that depending on frequency of the tachycardia, I would have to take a medication that prevents my heart from having that electric loophole/tachycardia. They said if I do have SVT, it is likely I have always had this and it just was so minimal before I got pregnant that it was never noticed- just something pregnancy triggered. If it is really bad and it doesn't stop after my pregnancy is over, they do heart surgery (called catheter ablation) where they put this thing in place that blocks the abnormal electric loopholes/impulses.

So isn't that fantastic! haha. In order to determine which one it is exactly, they have to put me on a 30 day monitor. I will be able to do all my normal day to day stuff of work and school and everything, just be secretly hooked up to an EKG. Except of course it isn't so secret now that all of you know. Haha.

One bit of good news:
The doctor said I can wait to start it till the day after we get back from Hawaii though! OH my- SUCH a nice man! I am so grateful!!!

So that is the update for now for anyone who was curious:)

For the other part of my day, I did homework, cleaned the condo, went through and organized baby stuff, and went baby shopping with my mom. It was a real good day.

And look at these cutesy teeny tiny newborn bottles that really made me almost die:

Um to die, right??

Other than all this, I am so excited for the shower my cousin and I have this Saturday! Love my big Hansen family and seeing all my cousins:)

24 Weeks//Cardio

Baby Beck:
>> 24 weeks along
>> 11.81 inches long
>> weighs 1.32 pounds
>> the size of an ear of corn
>> 16 weeks left!

Not a ton has changed from last week feeling and craving wise. All pretty much the same!

However I have been diagnosed with a heart tachycardia/arrythmia. They hooked me up to a Holter monitor for 24 hours a few days ago, and we got the results back today- abnormal. 

Basically what that means is something funny is going on with my heart, which has kind of caught me off guard- I have never had any problems like that at all before.

My heart rate will sporadically jump from like 75 to 160 in seconds and then drop back down. 
My blood pressure is normal.

I feel fine I just get a bit lightheaded when it happens.

We work out, and eat super clean- gluten free and largely organic. 
With some people, sometimes your blood levels can be all thrown off just from being pregnant. So, they checked all of my blood levels- thyroid, electrolytes, iron, everything- but it all came back totally normal. So it's not stemming from any imbalances or anything like that. 

What on earth is this mystery tachycardia coming from?

My OB called me today and she already had scheduled me an appointment in 2 days with a cardiologist at IMC. 

Kind of frustrating! When I got the last monitor off they said if anything comes back abnormal I would have to be on one for 30 days!! What! That just sounds ridiculous. We are going out of town for like almost the next month besides that. I so so so hope they don't make me do that.

I do not want to be all hooked up to a monitor while on our first trip to Hawaii:( It makes me sad thinking about the idea of of if I can still go, not being able to even get in the water and enjoy it all:(

I feel so lucky to even have the chance to go. I so so hope that I can get out of wearing that thing again.

Anyways, we won't know any more details until after my appointment on Thursday with the cardiologist, but hopefully it isn't anything crazy and by some chance it's somehow just some sort of pregnancy thing. (I hope)

I just wanted to post this to see if anyone else had tachycardia during pregnancy similar to this, and if so, what did you do?

**PS, thanks for all of your comments and messages about my questions last week! I think I have some hope to find at least some cute things:)

23 Weeks

Baby Beck:

>>23 weeks old
>>11.38 inches long
>>weighs 1.1 pounds
>>the size of an eggplant
>>17 weeks left!

How far along? 23 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: Should be 10-15.7 pounds according to my book. I am at 9 but I think she will have grown a ton this week due to how tired and hungry I have been!

Maternity clothes?  Just lots of leggings and loose tops still. I am starting to worry about winter and coat situations?! I wonder if they even make cute maternity coats? 

Stretch marks? Not yet :) still trying to avoid those

Sleep: Good. Have to pee like a crazy woman though

Movement: A ton. She is crazy! Can finally see it on the outside now sometimes. You know what is so cute- I realized yesterday she starts moving lots more than usual for a few minutes when Mitch first comes home.  Like she totally knows he is there! So cute.

Mitch can feel her, and a funny thing I remembered from a few weeks ago was when I was feeling her kick, and told Mitch to hurry and put his hand on my stomach. He sat there and waited and waited, and finally looked up at me and said with 100% seriousness, "Your baby does zero tricks." I don't really know why but it almost made me pee my pants from laughing so hard.
Now he knows that she does:)

Food cravings:I have never been so freaking hungry in my whole entire life. I eat and 10 minutes later I am ravished like I haven't eaten all day. Not even kidding. I will eat anything, but still my favorite thing to eat of all time right now is just a plain avocado sprinkled with salt, toasted on a pan for a few minutes. And sometimes with an over-easy egg on top. Mmmm. I have converted Mitch as well. :)
SOUR THINGS!! Oh my gosh. Not so much craving the sweet things.. but like Sour Patch and Shockers.. oh my. I was craving them so bad the other day at work that Dr. B went out and bought me this JUMBO bag of sour patch! ha BEST boss ever!!! 
And just like the caption says... I have definitely been in sheer bliss for the last couple days. About half that bag is gone.

In addition to those things, I am loving grapefruit and raspberries. Oh and plain vanilla yogurt:)

Symptoms: Hungry constantly, and have started having some Braxton Hicks. Is 22 weeks (that is when they started) early to start having them? I feel like it is. They aren't super frequent, but when I have been doing surgery all day or have been working hard, I get them that night.

Also, randomly my heart rate will spike like way, way high. At first we thought it was a hyperthyroid issue since my TSH is a bit low, but tests came back normal. I feel fine, it just starts racing like crazy sometimes, like I can feel it pounding out of my chest. Too many sour patch..? :) haha but really, anyone had that happen before? It will go from like 75-80 and jump into the mid 100's, then back down again. Kind of crazy. I am being monitored and they will hopefully have some idea of what is going on in a few days. I don't think it is anything serious though.

Have you started to show yet:Definitely! I think she is having a growth spurt because I have been hungrier than ever.. and I think my tummy is getting rounder by the day.

Gender:Still a girl:)

Belly Button in or out?  in

Mood: Happy! And a little tired- I think that again has something to do with her growing a lot extra this week. But happy!

Weekly Wisdom: Clean house=happy wife. My husband knows this too well, and spent so much time with laundry and helping me out just out of the sweetness of his heart the other day:) I cannot function when I feel like our house is out of order. He is a GEM and knows when to pitch in:)

Looking forward to: SO much!!!! 
  • First we have a baby shower with my side of the family, a joint one with my cousin who is due 8 weeks before we are. That is in a few weeks! My main registry is at Target, and I think I am registered for what we need? I would love if any moms out there want to hop on and view my registry here, and comment below if there is anything else you think I should register for.
  • Secondly, an unexpected trip to MAUI that I am out of my mind about!!! Seriously cannot believe it! We leave the weekend before Thanksgiving.

**I do have a question though. All of the clothes that fit me right now are fall/wintery. And Hawaii right now is mid 80's. I am wondering WHERE on earth to get a few summery things that will fit me.. including a swimsuit or two?! Or is swimsuit fabric stretchy enough that I don't need to worry about it? Ha ha. Any suggestions?
  • Thirdly, I am so excited about a second babymoon we will have, to New York at the beginning of December! Mitch will be out there for work and we decided I am going to fly out and we will spend a few days there having fun before Christmas:) 

Another question: When did you have your nursery set up? How far along? I still have a lottt to do and buy for it to be even close to ready- basically everything. Any suggestions of when to have it set up by? I keep reading all of these premature stories and so of course I am now worried that I won't be prepared if that happens ha ha.

So much to look forward to and to get ready for.. how on earth am I supposed to do my homework right now?!


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