Ha sorry it has been so stinking long.
Well we are 32 weeks along, can you believe it!? Only 8 (hopefully less) weeks until we meet our sweet little baby L:) (name is secret for now)
Life has been mega crazy. We have traveled for a near cumulative month over the last couple of months, between Hawaii, New York, and California.
Here are a few pics of our recent travels that I've put up on my ->insta
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Maui |
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Rockefeller Christmas tree |
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NYC at 26 (?) weeks |
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Times Square |
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At the Newport Beach LDS Temple for our friend's beautiful wedding |
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Early morning walk down Dana Point Beach (don't judge my just-woke-up face:) ) ha ha |
When we first got married, we knew we wanted to wait at least two years before we had a baby. It will be 2.75 ish by the time she comes. We made that decision because we wanted to develop our own relationship as husband and wife, and build a strong foundation with that before we became mom and dad. Everyone's timeline is different and that is awesome, but this really has worked out for us and we feel like we have had an awesome opportunity to grow close together and have neat life experiences before our littles come! It has been a great blessing to be able to travel and see the world, and live in and experience cool parts of it! Especially since we found out we were pregnant, we have been wanting to travel a lot since it is a lot different with a little baby. That has been so fun, squeezing out our last few weeks having fun together before little baby L comes to join the party. I'd recommend that to any couples expecting, it is the best thing ever! I think we will be glad we did it.
I finished off a crazy 16 credit semester at BYU online with all that travel, [[[[being pregnant]]]], and working full-time doing surgery. Oh, and being a wife, etc. Ha I have had no life! But being this busy has been SO so good, and has made this pregnancy FLY by literally. I am shocked at how fast it has gone.
Since the semester ended, It has been fun to finally have a breather to start on the nursery and do some household projects that needed doing. I feel like I can finally focus on some things that have been neglected the last few months.
Last week my sweet parents came down and spent all afternoon on Saturday helping us set up the nursery furniture, and my mom and I sewed some things for it (crib stuff, and next week we are doing curtains). She is the sewing guru, and my OCD self is loving how all of our baby's decor can match in perfectly in her room! It brings me way too much joy! Ha ha. My dad can fix/build/create/put together ANYTHING, and that was so fun watching him and Mitch do some household fix-ups and set up nursery furniture like the crib and rocker that day:)
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Mitch and my dad working on the rocking chair for the nursery |
I'll put up a before and after picture of the nursery when it is done here in the next couple of weeks.
I pre-registered at Labor & Delivery today! My OB's office is actually in the hospital, upstairs from labor and delivery which is way convenient. The nurse said it was time for me to, so I happily went and did so! Ha ha it made me so excited thinking just 7 or 8 more weekends and we'll be walking in those doors to meet baby L!
School starts up again this week and I am SO excited.
So I have found something out lately... people are often times really weird when I say that, and I have gotten a lot of remarks such as "...you're still going to go to school while you are a mom...?"
Um, yes! Yes I absolutely am. Just because I become a mom doesn't mean I forget about developing and progressing myself. Things like school will make me a better mom. I'm not going to go full out and consume my time with it, but I am most definitely going part time even during these first few months.
With my personality, I would go crazy having nothing to work on for myself in addition to being a mom. When I have other things to attend to/focus on, I am better in all aspects - as a wife, friend, and prospective mom. I am a strong believer in keeping an individual identity as I start on this journey. That is my personal opinion.
Do I think it will be easy - no, I don't, at all. It will be really challenging. But that is what keeps someone happy who has a personality like mine. I have a belief that education alters generations. And it is something my husband supports more than I do! I am grateful to have a man who loves me enough to push me to succeed at the goals I value. He is a really, really good example of hard work and the value of an education.
So, to any and all skeptics out there, I appreciate the concern, but I appreciate encouragement even more;)
I am grateful for the opportunity to go to school and I do still plan on getting my master's degree. It will definitely take longer than if I could go full-throttle with no baby, but that is okay. I am in no hurry at all.
I have learned to love learning - something I didn't know was possible. I feel a lot better about myself when I am furthering my education and progressing myself. I am on the downhill side of my undergrad, too, which is an awesome feeling.
And lastly, as I mentioned on insta, I think I should give a prize to whoever can guess how much longer I can squeeze in these scrubs!
Ha ha!!! I am so pushing it. I called back a patient the other day and his eyes got real wide, and he said "WHOA. You look like you're about to pop!" I was like oh thats great! Haha. It is about time to put them away. So here it is for all of your enjoyment.. 32 weeks pregnant in non-maternity scrubs because I am too cheap to go buy them until I absolutely must. You might have to tell me when its time.. my stomach might be hanging out the bottom;) (gross)
As for how I am feeling, really really great! A little more tired than usual but nothing crazy. My heart turned out to be fine, just an abnormal skipping that is not too dangerous for now and that we'll just watch. The cardiologist said that it can be worse with pregnancy and will likely not be an issue after I deliver. So that is great! No funny business with that which is a huge blessing.
One thing I miss SO BAD lately- sleeping or at least laying on my stomach. Holy cow. That might be the first thing I do after I have her.. just turn over and lay on my stomach for a while!!!
I have my last shower, thrown by my mother in law, on February 1st. Shoot me a FB message if you wanna come!
Sorry again it took me 7 years to update all this. I'll try to be a little better with it only being a few more weeks until it turns from pregnancy posts to baby posts!
Oh wait, I forgot to tell you guys the best part of our holiday season...
yep. happy freakin holidays.
Do I have a cool story? Nope. Can I blame the weather? Nope.
I literally ran straight into a cement barrier in a parking garage. By myself.
Why? Because I was looking for my parking validation ticket thing while I was driving around a corner.
So that was really great.
We were SO LUCKY though, our insurance covers the repairs 100%, we just have our deductible of $500. The repairs are... well... a lotttttt more than that. And they even set up and paid for a rental car for us. Turns out that little green gecko is pretty helpful:)
Wanna know who is not helpful??? the worst EVER? So my car was pretty much undrivable (hello, look at that front wheel) and yet I still drove it up out of mainstream traffic to a turn-out where it wouldn't be in the way of people driving. Happened to be a handicap spot. It was the only spot there. I left to deal with insurance calls, etc, and when I came back, a stinky little mall cop had given me a ticket for parking in handicap! I wanted to be like.. hello sir, do you see I would not be parked here if I could um... drive my car?! Do you think parking in handicap is really #1 on my worry list right now?? ha ha.
Mitch called the mall and they removed the ticket:) I was just like.. come on dude! Thanks for helping out! Did you think I needed a worse day or what?
Anyways, hope your holidays were great! We feel like we've been really lucky and really blessed! (despite stinky mall cops) :)
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