And we have never been so in love.
Some Utahns love to say Juli-aannna.... it is pronounced Juli-ah-na, just so everyone knows. I just had to do it. Ha ha it is becoming my biggest pet peeve when people say her name wrong:)
Our sweet Juliana Kalai Beck was born on Sunday evening, February 23rd, at 6 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long. I was 39 weeks pregnant to the day.
My water broke Sunday morning at about 10 a.m. It was like any other Sunday, we were getting ready for church. I was beyond lucky- most women have contractions first and rarely experience their water breaking long before birth. Because I went into the hospital at already over 3 centimeters dialated at 80% effaced, combined with my water breaking, I had an extremely fast and easy labor. I really lucked out.
We got to the hospital at around noon and they admitted me right away. To be honest, I didn't know if it was my water that was leaking or if I had somehow peed myself! I was going to die if the latter was the case. They ran a test and said yep, this is definitely your water! You are going to have your baby today! You should have seen Mitch's face. 2 minutes later while laying in the hospital bed, there was a gigantic, unmistakeable GUSH of amniotic fluid. Okay, I was convinced now!
Because we didn't know if I was going to really be in labor or not when we went to the hospital, I hadn't brought any of our stuff with us at all. I had convinced myself that she would come late, so that I wouldn't sit and anticipate her so much and drive myself crazy. So off Mitch went. I delivered at IMC, and we live only 5 minutes away luckily. He went home and facetimed me- running frantically around the house getting last minute items. He was a legit wreck. It was hilarious. He was frantic.
Meanwhile, he texted me nonstop. My water had broken and I hadn't started having any painful contractions at all so I still felt fine and was kind of in denial that it was even going to happen- even though I knew that once your water breaks they make sure that baby is out in 24 hours to prevent infection, etc.
So I sat there and because I was already progressed relatively well and my water had broken, combined with the fact that her head was SUPER low, I gave the OK for the pitocin to get the party started. There was no point for me in going through a pitocin induced labor without an epidural (pitocin causes very unnatural contractions) so the anesthesiologist was in my room in a jiffy. I laid on my side, curled in a ball like they tell you so that your spine sticks out, and I felt one 'pop' and that was it. Mitch went stark white and said that made him more sick than the actual delivery. ha ha ha. I guess it is bad to watch? So easy to get though! Do not be scared of epidurals at all- they are awesome!
So I literally felt nothing - no pain at all or discomfort whatsoever the entire process. My legs were completely numb. It was hilarious. I would try to move them and I couldn't. Or they would fall off the bed randomly. Ha ha ha. I had to pick my legs up with my arms and move them where I wanted. Or mostly Mitch had to and the nurse:) I still had a big preggo belly and couldnt bend over let alone move now that I was numb waist down! I wish we had recorded that. I thought it was the funniest thing.
3 p.m.
Notice my face is still normal size.. ya watch what happens ha ha ha
I came in at a 3 at noon and was at an 8 by 7 pm. The nurse came in an hour later and said I was a definite 10 and ready to push! I looked at Mitch and was like wait.. seriously?? I was expecting at least a few more hours. I didn't feel ready! This was too big of a moment and I felt I wasnt prepared for it. I started pushing at 8 o'clock pm.
Too much IV fluids anyone??! HA HA HA holy swollen!!! This was the first time my whole pregnancy I experienced swelling.. I guess I deserved this! But I love this picture because it is our last one before we had her... Just minutes before!! All about the sentimental value.. no judgement..;) |
I remember asking the lady how long it would be before Juliana would be here. She said probably to expect a couple hours since she was my first.
3 pushes later (two words.. kegel exercises), 8:19pm rolled around and there she was. The most perfect thing I had ever seen in my life. More than her face, I remember her cry. It was so familiar though I had never heard it before. I knew she was our baby. She felt ours.
I remember the look on Mitch's face. Tears streaming down, his hand covering his mouth. He said it was the most special experience of his life.
They put her in my arms and once we started talking to her, she immediately stopped crying. The cord stopped pulsing and Mitch cut it.
Everything in the whole word was right. I have never been so happy in my life!
Despite all things to come later on, oxygen, feeding tube, everything, this girl has ALWAYS been a good eater. She literally started nursing 3 minutes after being born. All by herself. Mitch held her too and he also took the pictures. I wanted it just me and him in the room besides the hospital staff. Our parents were both out in the waiting room. They got to all hold her and see her once we were transferred to the next room. We just sat there as a family for a while. Mitch and I kept looking at each other and then at her. We kept saying, "I cant believe this is HER. That little ball that was inside!! That was HER!"
We had never felt a love like this- not only for this new little creation, but for each other. I have never loved Mitch so much!!!
Little did we know this was the easiest part of the next 5 weeks - with 4 hospitalizations between me and her! She was sooo worth it.
There is nothing like this experience. Nothing to adequately describe it - it is something you have to experience:)
Here are a few more pictures from our delivery/hospital stay (#1 ;) )
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My very best friend Krista got to come see her. Loved that! |
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Sweetest scowl I have ever seen:) |
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Going home.. thought this 0-3 month outfit would fit her... HA HA HA. Not even close. The feet were not lying 3 times too big. She was soooo teensie:) |
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We love our Julsies and that she is ours forever.
My dad reminded us though, that she really is not ours- she has only been entrusted to us.
We love this girl.