Kailin Beck. Powered by Blogger.

"Yo Puedo Aprender."

Guys. I have had the best day ever today. Let me tell you why.

We have been trying to sell my car for about a week now. People would come and look and either not offer enough or would lose interest, or offers would fall through. We started getting super nervous because we have to leave in a week to move across the country and we really can't take it with us. We kept lowering the price.. everything. Nothing. We couldn't figure out why it was just not selling. We started getting really worried.

Late last night I posted it again, hoping someone might be interested today.

This morning I woke up and got a call from someone who wanted to come see it. I didn't get my hopes up because that was nothing new. This afternoon, about 10 minutes before they came, I knelt down and prayed specifically that I could sell this car to whoever needed it most. I told Heavenly Father how we really needed to sell it. I picked up my keys and walked out the door.

Her name was Griselda, and she was buying this car for an older woman- her children's nanny, so that she could come to work everyday. The older woman also had brought her son who was in his mid 20's to come look at the car. 

They drove it and inspected it and made me an offer. I tried to not act too excited of course. FINALLY.

"Esta bien. Ven conmigo y vamos a hacer el papeleo, quitar los placas, etc" I said somewhat calmly. 

We drove to my apartment and I went inside to get the paperwork and a screwdriver. I went back out and the son had opened the trunk to see if there was anything of mine to take out. He ran up to me with a little blue book and a gigantic smile on his face. 

"Esto es tuyo??"he asked
(is this yours??)

Before I could finish saying yes, it is mine, he told me he and his mom were from Reynosa and that they were baptized members of the church before they had to move suddenly to over here (Mission, Texas, where we live- which is a grand 2 miles from Reynosa, Mexico- I know.)  He told me they hadn't been able to go to church since they had moved over here. He looked absolutely elated to have found this book again and to see another member.

I told him to keep it, and that I had others, and that it was his to keep- and then I realized this book was in English. He spoke no English. 
How stupid of me- I didn't even have any Spanish ones around to exchange with him. Why? I had put off a prompting from a few months ago to get some more Spanish copies from the Elders. 
(lesson learned)

I told him that and he shook his head and said, "No no no, es ok! Yo puedo aprender!" with a huge smile.
("no no no, it's okay! I can learn!!")

I was shocked at how excited he was to see a member of the church over here. And how excited to be reunited with that book again- even if it was in a completely foreign language to him. He was like totally ecstatic.

His mom stood behind him and nodded and smiled. She said she had seen the Utah plates on my car (okay so I never got it registered in Texas and we have lived here for 2 years. NBD.) and she said she had wondered if I was "Como los elderes que llegaron a mi casa" :)
(if I was "Like the Elders who had come to her house" (from Utah, therefore Mormon. She had only met two people from Utah in her life and they were her Elders) )

They gave me a big hug and were so grateful and thanked me over and over again. I about cried.

I now know why it took so long to sell my car, and why I only sold it after I prayed about it.

It turns out, Heavenly Father just might want you to include Him in even the smallest things, because they may be able to make a bigger difference than we even realize.

Also, I am grateful that Mitch left that little copy in the car. It had been there forever and we had kind of forgotten about it- down in a little corner of our trunk.  

When I called him after it all happened to tell him the story, his first words were, "That must be a lucky Book of Mormon!! Thats the same one that sat on my desk and resulted in Marco and his mom getting baptized!"

Mitch is a teacher (doing Teach for America, he really is a Business Strategy major) and he was in charge of detention one day last year. A boy, lets say his name is Marco, was there and his mom came to pick him up. She noticed the book on Mitch's desk and asked what it was. Mitch told her, and invited them to come to church on Sunday if they wanted. They said they would love to, and ended up coming, got together with the missionaries, and were baptized almost immediately. They are still active and Marco is the cutest kid ever.

I definitely think that was a lucky Book of Mormon:)

I learned a lot of lessons today. I am so glad I asked Heavenly Father to help me sell the car to whoever needed it most. I think they came for a lot more than the car and none of us even knew it. 

I learned:

1) Always include Heavenly Father in everything. Nothing is too small or trivial or silly to include Him in. He can only provide so much if you don't ask.
2) Always keep ample amounts of English and Spanish BOM's in your car. Never put off a prompting.
3) Always have the attitude of "yo puedo aprender". When it comes to the Gospel you never learn everything. Always be striving to learn more, and share it with others. This man's attitude showed me how much he valued this book and treasured being reunited with it- even a foreign version to him. It was the same book, and he knew of its power regardless of the language. 
4) Never register your car out of state, the Utah license plates just might spark something:)

It was a seriously good day. 

T W E N T Y O N E.

GUYS.  My birthday was so awesome!

We went to my favorite place in the world: the island!
We live just an hour away so we love to go:) 
That is all I really wanted for my birthday! Just the island with my sweetie

This is us driving across the causeway/bridge to the island. Yes our windshield has like 15 cracks in it and we refuse to replace it because every time we drive somewhere it gets another crack or chip I swear! 
So we will in Utah.

I didn't get to take any pics on the beach really, because we were too busy having fun!
I did soak up some rays for a bit:

Besides this AWESOME day, I woke up to a darling Happy Birthday song by some of my favorite chicas (who also came to the beach with us.. so fun) - it literally made my day:

But for real. HOW cute are they???
(I think Jessica is the most beautiful person to grace this planet)

THEN we came home and I was surprised by Mitch and my mom (she planned this with him all the way from Utah) with THIS::


Best mom and hubby ever! They knew I had been wanting one for forever and they totally came through! I am in total LOVE!

I haven't put it down since. 

And then to top it off, my darling mother in law sent me this outfit!


Seriously! she has the best style EVER! She knows just what I love:)

It was a fantastic birthday.. and so many people did so much to make me feel loved and special- I totally did! 

I think it is going to be a great year!

Beck Women

School is hard for me. As in I really don't enjoy doing it. It is hard for me to get motivated to do it every day. It is just another thing on my to-do list, and I honestly dread it. It bores me.  I feel guilty about it because there are so many people in the world who would give anything for the education opportunities I have. But nonetheless that is how I honestly feel.

Mitch loves school more than life.  Seriously, he says every day how much he wishes he could be a "professional student." :) He is a good one.  He loves it.  He comes home and often asks me, "Do you have any homework today?!" He likes doing it for fun. Ha ha.  For real- that is one of his strengths, not mine.

I just have a hard time doing it. I am counting down till I graduate already (hopefully next December)

When I get in these ruts, there is always a little voice that comes in my head.  Her name is Peggy.

(my mother in law who I love so, so much)

I will always remember when she told me,

"Kailin, you are a Beck now. Beck women go to college. Even if we never get to use our degree, we get one."

Thing is, she is likely the sweetest and kindest little lady I know. She is wonderful.  She really is like my second mom. This was one of those times she looked straight at me and pointed and smiled at me while she said it-- and I knew she really meant it.

It is sometimes difficult, and I get in a school rut where it is hard to keep going- but I know it is the most important thing I can do.  It is time intensive. It takes patience and a ton of work. I don't really like it. But I just have to know it will be worth it one day. That is something that has always stuck with me, and I will forever appreciate her saying it- let alone always making me feel included and really a part of the Beck family:)

Beck women go to college. Each one of these women did go to college and got great degrees- but are selfless enough that they have put them aside to raise their children. They did it. I so admire that.

Peggy, Makayla, Maddy.
My momma in law and two Beck sissies.
Such role models for me.

I didn't ever know that I could be so grateful and happy to live up to an expectation.  It makes me want to make them, my husband, and future children proud.

So, I will stick it out and get it done.  I need to do it.

I read this quote a while ago. At first I didn't understand it. Then I realized what it meant:
A child's education should begin at least 100 years before he is born.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Gotta be a Beck woman.

"It Always Works Out"

Just want to firstly apologize for lying to you all in my last post:) I said I would post the details on our Mother's Day gifts for our moms that a lot of you asked about- I failed big time. Between school being crazy and lots of travel and wedding stuff for my best friend, and getting things ready to move in a few weeks, not a whole lot happened lately blog-wise! 

Secondly, I usually don't post mushy lovey stuff.. but I have to take a minute to say how grateful I am for my angel husband. 

I have been asked numerous times why I got married so young [almost 2 years ago now... time flies]. Indeed I was very young... especially for the world's current standards of age.  I will definitely admit that along with anybody else. 

 I will also tell you that without a doubt in my mind, that was the time in my life that I was supposed to get married.  I needed Mitch. My Heavenly Father knew that. 

That decision has blessed me forever and ever.  

My life has completely changed since marrying him.  He is amazing.

I have the most genuine, intelligent, loving and caring man in the world.

Look at that face.

I was having a pretty rough couple of days this week with some stuff.  I just want to say that I am in love with Mitch's ability to make me feel like everything is okay and to comfort me even when it seems like the world is turning upside down.

He just knows what to do. Always.

He is like the wisest person I know.. and yes he is 26. Sometimes I look at him and literally think, "How old are you??" :)

That's why I love the song "I Won't Give Up" [Jason Mraz] .. when I first heard it forever ago I was like, "This is Mitch!" 
When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
Well, there's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

Mitch has always said, "Everything always works out." 

It is pretty much like his life motto or something. And how true it really is.  I joke that he is literally the luckiest person I know! Seriously things always happen to him that are awesome. He always lucks out just in the nick of time with everything. I am glad I married into that:)

There is such truth in this quote that Mitch posted a few months ago:

"No matter what any man says, there's nothing better than two, a man and woman, who walk together. When they walk right together there's no way too long, no night too dark." 
- Louis L'Amour

I am so grateful for my angel husband.

It's true, everything always works out.

And We're Off Again

So I am considering really starting this blog thing off again.
For starters,

to keep up in a bloggish/insta-ish hybrid of a news feed
which I really, really love.
It is the simplest and most convenient way ever to follow your fave blogs.

You might have noticed that my blog got a lil' facelift.  I enjoy blog design in my free time (which is sparse with this Satan semester).  I am considering branching out on that too since I've had some peeps ask lately if I could help them with their blog design.  If you are wanting to try out a blog face-lift yourself, comment below or shoot me an email/fb message, whatever- I'd love to build my portfolio a bit and use yours as an example.
I design entire blogs of course, but also individual things like blog headers, buttons, tabs, profile/about me image, social media icons, etc.

I am crazy busy lately, so since it's free it'll be first come, first serve ;)
(like I'm already in high demand or something)

Also, I will do a post later today on the Mother's Day presents I posted on 
*Insta* yesterday,
since I received a lot of questions and messages from it requesting more deets!

Check back tonight and I'll have it up.

But for real, try out that bloglovin thing. It rocks. ---->


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